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Little Hearts 
 Learning Academy
Before and After School program

Our mission in Little Hearts of Before and After School Child Care is to provide students with an inclusive program that is safe and nurturing in a comfortable environment, and a cultural enriching program that promotes the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of each child.

Your child will have the opportunity to have a snack, do their homework with assistance and then participate in several scheduled activities. These will include an academic enhancement, a technology session, creative play or dramatic arts, outdoor activity to enhance fitness and a free choice.
Welcome to the Toddler Room!

Children from age 13 months until two years are cared for in the toddler room. We have an interactive group time with the toddlers. The toddlers are read to and they often learn the words themselves. We also sing songs and do actions, which they quickly pick up on and are doing right along with us. We count to ten and sing our ABC's during group and transition times. The repetition of this allows them to learn to count and say their ABC's.

​Daily Schedule

​   6:30 -  7:30 Child Initiated Activity
   7:30 -  8:30 Breakfast
   8:30 -  9:00 Changing diapers and hand washing
   9:00 -  9:30 Class Group Time (Music, Movement)
   9:30 -10:30 Art & Craft, Fine Motor Activities 
 10:30 -11:30 Outside 
 11:30 -11:45 Story Time
 11:45 -12:30 Lunch Time
 12:30 -  2:30 Nap Time
   2:30 -  3:00 Snack
   3:00 -  3:30 Class Group Time
   3:30 -  4:30 Outside play
   4:00 -  5:00 Changing diapers and hand washing
   5:00 -  5:30 Quite Games
   5:30 -  6:15 Child initiated activity
   6:15 -  6:30 Story Time

Important Information 

Kids in this room will have several transitions. 
• They sleep on cots at nap time, no more cribs!
• They sit in chairs at lunch, no more highchairs!
• They only drink out of cups, no more bottles!
• They have a structured day!
No more diaper bags please. 
Pacifiers are limited to naptime only. Please feel free to send a special blanket and/or stuffed animal for your child's naptime. 
If possible please send your child to the center in shoes that tie. Toddlers will take their shoes off many times if they are able. 
Toddlers love exploring with their senses and we do a lot of messy, fun activities to help them discover; please do not send your child in clothes that you don’t want messy.
Please make certain that EVERYTHING that you bring into the center is clearly labeled, including coats, hats, and extra clothes. 

Meals and Snacks

Meals and snacks are provided in our Center. A menu is available for your review. If your child requires a special diet, please let us know and we will work with you to make sure your child’s nutritional needs are being met. TALK ABOUT ALERGIES

Welcome to the Pre-k Room! (3 to 5 years Room)

Each child is a unique individual with the capability to grow and learn. In the Prek Room we offer a wide range of activities that will help enhance your child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills, and therefore help them learn about the world around them. We work hard to offer a fun and nurturing environment with new activities to explore daily.

Daily Schedule

​            6:00 -  7:30Child Initiated Activity
             7:30 -  8:30Breakfast
             8:30 -  9:00 Outside
             9:00 -  9:30 Class Group Time (Music, Movement)
             9:30 -10:30 Art & Craft, Fine Motor Activities 
           10:30 -11:30 Outside 
           11:30 -11:45 Story Time
           11:45 -12:30 Lunch Time
           12:30 -  2:30 Nap Time
             2:30 -  3:00 Snack
             3:00 -  3:30 Class Group Time
             3:30 -  4:00 Pre-Writing & Pre- Reading
             4:00 -  5:00 Outside play
             5:00 -  5:30 Quite Games
             5:30 -  6:15 Child initiated activity
             6:15 -  6:30 Story Time

Important Information  

In this class, we focus on teaching the children self-control, social skills, reading readiness and pre-math skills. We also try to include in our daily activities art, music and something that will help to improve the children’s large motor skills.

The children are encouraged to communicate their negative feelings with their words so that they are not tempted to use aggression as a means of dealing with conflicts. We try to deal with inappropriate behavior in a positive manner, although there are occasions when we feel that a time out is appropriate. If your child receives a time out, we will usually let you know at the end of the day so that we can work together to correct the behavior.

Toys that are specifically for naptime, such as a doll or stuffed animal, are welcome but will stay in the child’s cubby until naptime.
There will be times when we invite you to join us in the classroom for either a celebration or a special event to go along with a certain theme. But, parents are always welcome in our classroom. In fact we encourage parent participation as often as possible.

The primary focus in the Pre-k classroom is to better prepare your child for kindergarten. The skills they learn in this class will help them succeed in future academics. Each day we will have group time where your child will learn how to sit, listen, and learn as a class. We will focus on a letter, number, and shape each week. Throughout the day, your child will have many opportunities for social interaction; this will improve language skills, sharing with one another, and general social skills. Your child will also be offered a variety of sensory activities such as play dough, water, rice, beans, etc. By playing with these activities, your child will work on their fine motor abilities needed for coloring, writing, cutting, etc. We practice handwriting each day, whether we are writing in journals or practicing our letter or number of the week. We also work on reading skills, and basic math skills, patterns, measuring, and simple addition

Gross motor is important to every child’s physical development; we go out as long as it is nice day. Running, jumping, and biking all encourages coordination and body control.

Welcome to the Infant Room!

Welcome to young infant classroom at Little Hearts. Infants from 6 to 12 months will be in this room depending on their development and the availability in the toddlers room. It is our goal to make you feel as comfortable and prepared as possible for your child’s first day in our center.


We ask that all parents fill out the Infant Information Sheet prior to your child’s first day to provide information regarding sleeping and eating schedules. We will do our best to keep your child’s schedule consistent with home routine. Parents will be informed of any changes in the child's schedule as  he or she grows. 
We use daily sheets to help all teachers and parents communicate information about the child’s daily activities. When dropping off the child, the parent or authorized person will be asked to write down when the last feeding and diaper change was so that we can continue your child’s care from there. Parents will receive information on exact time and length of all naps and the timing and amounts of each feeding throughout the day.


Your child will be assigned one of the infant teachers on his or her first day in the Infant Room. If your teacher is not available there is a substitute folder that we keep updated so that substitutes will know exactly how to care for your child. We feel that this allows for more one on one attention and better communication between staff and parents.

What to Bring To Daycare

 Bring 2 extra outfits that will stay in your child’s cubby, must be seasonally appropriate, and must fit the child. 
A blanket is always nice to have because it reminds the child of home, please label your child’s blanket clearly.
• Also, bring enough food to last throughout your child’s day at daycare. Please bring-in bottles, formula, breast milk, or jar foods.

Do not Bring 

Please remember that we provide: bibs, burp cloths, and spoons. These items are washed and sanitized daily. It is not allowed to use soft pillows, soft toys, and bumpers in the cribs. Although you may bring in blankets for the crib, we provide all other toys and they are washed and sanitized periodically throughout the day as needed and every night. 


All bottles must be clearly labeled with your child’s name or initials on all parts of the bottle. If the label fades, please re-label the bottle. Please bring in enough bottles and nipples for each feeding throughout the day. When your child finishes a bottle we will rinse all parts with water and place it in a plastic bag. Please clean and sterilize the bottles at home and bring them in the next day.
Fresh breast milk must be labeled with the child’s name, the date it was pumped, and placed in the fridge. Fresh breast milk can only be used up to 24 hours past the labeled date.
Frozen breast milk can be stored in our freezer. Please label frozen breast milk with the child’s name and date. Frozen breast milk can only be used up to 2 weeks past its labeled date, so we ask that parents keep an eye on their stored milk and replace it as needed. 
• If your child is on formula you must bring an un-opened can. You may bring in an un-opened container of nursery water. We must measure and mix all bottles from the original containers. All containers must be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
While your child is exclusively bottle or breast-fed, supplemental water will be offered.

Meals and Snacks

Little Hearts provides breakfast, lunch and snacks for all students. When you are ready to feed your child table foods, we will provide a copy of our menu for you to highlight foods that your child is allowed to eat at daycare. However, if you prefer to bring in your own food, you are welcome to do so. Please label any jar or homemade foods with your child’s name. All un-refrigerated foods will be stored in cabinets and we have a refrigerator to store foods that must stay cold. 


Each child will have their own medicine sign-up sheet in our room. Each day that you would like us to administer medicine to your child, you will need to sign up the name of the medicine, date, and the time and dosage to administer the meds. When you pick your child up from daycare you will sign your name to verify that we have given your child the medication. 
Prescription medications must come in the original containers with the pharmacy label. All medication must be clearly labeled with the child’s name. 

Learning through Play

Our room is equipped with developmentally appropriate hard and soft toys for small motor development including: pinching, grabbing, holding, and passing. We have large toys such as balls, activity centers, and many things for the children to pull up on to work on their gross motor skills. All large toys are sanitized nightly, and small toys are stored in separate containers to try to prevent the sharing of toys and germs. These toys are cleaned with bleach water every night. 
Welcome to the Two's Room!

In the two’s room we work with the children in a preschool oriented style. Each day we work on our numbers, colors, shapes, months, days of the week, and letters. The themes we use are related to the seasons, holidays, and the children’s interests in a developmentally appropriate practice. Language development is attained naturally as we encourage the children to use their words. 

​Daily Schedule

​   6:00 -  7:30 Child Initiated Activity
   7:30 -  8:30 Breakfast
   8:30 -  9:00 Changing diapers and handwashing
   9:00 -  9:30 Class Group Time (Music, Movement)
   9:30 -10:30 Art & Craft, Fine Motor Activities 
 10:30 -11:30 Outside 
 11:30 -11:45 Story Time
 11:45 -12:30 Lunch Time
 12:30 -  2:30 Nap Time
   2:30 -  3:00 Snack
   3:00 -  3:30 Class Group Time
   3:30 -  4:00 Outside play
   4:00 -  5:00 Changing diapers and hanwashing
   5:00 -  5:30 Quite Games
   5:30 -  6:15 Child initiated activity
   6:15 -  6:30 Story Time

Important Information 

We encourage the children to develop self-help skills and foster independence. They are getting big enough to try dressing themselves, cleaning up after themselves, and washing their own hands. Teaching self-help at home as well will greatly help with consistency when in our class .Our main transition in this room is that we no longer use Sippy cups! Therefore, we tend to have lots of spills, please be sure to have a labeled, weather appropriate change of clothes here. We also encourage the children to use their silverware when eating instead of their hands.

Diapers are changed standing up as long as they are not soiled. Every time we change a diaper we encourage the children to use the toilet to promote potty training. Again, consistency at home greatly helps.

We have a set naptime. Your child may have one naptime comfort item that fits in their cubby and a blanket if you prefer to bring one from home. Please be sure to label if you choose to bring one from home.